Nov 29, 2009

62. Tijen

Tijen, Antalya, Turkey
1. Don't take an alternative therapy in place of a conventional treatment (...).
2. Do use any of the complementary therapies that make you feel better and help you cope.
3. Don't belive that if you don't choose to use a particular complementary therapy, you are allowing your tumor to grow faster.
4. Do discuss with your doctor any alternative or complementary therapy that you are considering or taking (...).
5. Do seek out reliable sources of information about alternative and complementary therapies (...).
6. Do be aware that many websites are advertising products that are not subject to quality control in their manufacture, and their claims are unregulated (...).
7. Do think trought your reasons for seeking a complementary therapy. If the reason is that you are having trouble coping, consider asking your oncology team for a referral for counseling (...).
8. Do check the credentials and reliability of the complementary therapist you choose (...).
9. Do use the complementary therapies that make sense to you (...).
10. Do use the complementary therapies as aids to reduncing pain, nausea, and other symptoms (...).

61. Van harte

Sarah Van Camp, Sint-Truiden, Belgium

Nov 23, 2009

60. Hopes & Dreams

Martha Yuliana, Malang, Indonesia
Dear Martha,
I hope some day I can travel around the world to visit all of you (the people that support this project).